What is Torch Brazing ?

Brazing joins parts by
heating them to more than 840°F and applying a filler metal that has
a melting temperature below that of the base metal. Filler metal
flows into the joint by capillary attraction.
Brazing has several
advantages. Dissimilar metals can be joined. Assemblies can be
brazed in a stress-free condition, and complex assemblies can be
brazed in several steps by using filler metals with progressively
lower melting temperatures. Materials of different thicknesses can
be joined, as can cast and wrought metals. Nonmetals can be joined
to metals when the nonmetal is coated. Metallurgical properties of
base materials are not seriously disturbed, and brazed joints
require little or no finishing.
Brazing is typically
done with a torch or in a furnace. Other methods include dip,
resistance, and induction brazing.
brazing joins relatively small assemblies made from
materials that do not oxidize at the brazing temperature or can be
protected from oxidation with a flux. The most commonly used filler
metals include aluminum-silicon alloys, silver-base alloys, and
copper-zinc alloys. Flux is required with these filler metals unless
protective atmosphere is used. Self-fluxing copper-phosphorus alloys
are also used. Torch brazing is done in air and is the most common
brazing process.
Normally, torch brazing
is done with handheld oxyfuel gas torches using various fuels.
However, there are automated machines that use preplaced fluxes as
well as preplaced filler metal in paste, wire, or shim form. Torch
and machine brazing are generally used to make lap joints in
sections from 0.01 to 0.25 in. thick. Joints can be brazed rapidly,
but speed decreases as material thickness increases.
What is Torch Brazing ?
Brazing vs Welding
Buy a Brazing Torch/ Reviews
Advantages of Torch Brazing
Limitations of Torch Brazing
Torch Brazing company
Brazing Tips
Heat Sources of Brazing
Cleaning the Braze joint
Particle Size chart
Brazing Paste
Eye Protection for Brazing
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